Thursday, October 29, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

goodbye Portland, goodbye Bible

Bible, my almost-cat, was the hardest thing about saying goodbye. He came in on our last morning, kneading and purring and butting his head into our hands. I cannot send him postcards (tuna grams!?), I could not ask him if he'd like to go on a trip. We just had to say good-bye, as he warmed himself in the sun on our porch. Good-bye.

vista house

On the day of adventure with Lauren along the Columbia River Gorge, we stopped at Vista House. For the vista, of course.

the bird hut

Four rooms full of birds, squawking.

Bright colors and occasionally a coherent word or phrase, "Hello!" "Here, kitty kitty!"

"Feed me!"

andy and bax

The best Army/Navy store I have ever been in, with the most fantastically dressed mannequins. On Grand Avenue, Portland, Oregon.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Last days in Portland, full of the smell of fall and waterfalls. Went on an adventure with Lauren to explore the Columbia River Gorge. Drove through the rain to see Multnomah Falls, the mist from the water increasing the fog. Crossed over the river and into Washington to eat chili cheese dogs in a small cafe and wait out the rain.

Back on the trail hiking up switch backs, stopping along the way to admire birds and greenery. I like hiking with a biologist/ornithologist/botanist. Lots of moments to see the things you might otherwise huff and puff your way past. The rain continued, but was pleasant under the cover of towering firs and pines. Saw red beetles that looked like jewels, and flickers darting in and out of the trees. This was my favorite waterfall, a triad of misty water insubstantial yet so powerful, cutting rivulets through the rock.

Down the ridge, more switch backs, three jewel-beetles devouring a banana slug, a dog that looked like a fox trotting next to an old man. The last waterfall, one which you could walk under. Lauren had her pockets full of leaves to identify and a fistful of moss destined for a terrarium.

Friday, October 2, 2009