Small things I like: rainier cherries in the height of july, the way fruit juices sink into the cutting board, throwing birthday parties for a friend.
Mount Hood from the top of the OHSU Aerial Tram. Paul and I are driving back across the country in less than two weeks, settling in Asheville, North Carolina. Good bye big mountains! Hello rolling green glory of the Smokies! Taking another cross-country trip reminds me that I have yet to recount our first adventure here, the epic five week journey from Brooklyn to Portland. Perhaps the two trip tales will overlap, a sort of temporal concordance of coincidence. Maybe I'll just keep them safe and tangible, in my paper journal.
The sunflower runt toppled last week after a particularly windy day, probably due to the explosion of blooms that must have weighed heavily upon it. We massacred it into five massive bouquets, which leave yellow pollen trails about the house. At the height of it's glory it had over fifty flowers and brushed the rain gutters.
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